Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back to December

If we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't...
But this is me swallowing my pride 
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night...
And I go back to December all the time...

When everything is done and gone, all that's left are memories. So cherish them while your brain cells can still hold on... 8)

I can't believe it's October already! What the heck!?!?! As we get closer to December, I can't help but think to myself if we would have stayed together for a couple more months, we would have made six years. But God has his ways of closing and opening doors. I am in a wonderful place with a better understanding of myself. More on this later...



Mimi said...

taylor swift is business with her words! time truly does fly by fast..

i'm not going to lie..this is my first time doing the holidays without him....birthdays and what not. its strange...but it's life.

to be in a better place with youself..is the best fuckin gift ever. I'm learning that now....=)

Phamtastic said...

I know!! Her songs might seem innocent and childish at times, but the lyrics have some personality...it's relatable and everyone's been through it..hahaha

I know Mimi, me and you in the same boat! Birthday and Christmas alone this year...it shall be interesting! I don't know how I'm going to take it to be honest. I think I'll do well, but you know how it is..growing up with this person and *poof* they're gone. It's an adjustment definitely but I'm glad to be on my own... it's a sense of independence I need to learn in life 8)

Mimi said...

god, to think that we really did grew up with them..Shiiit. But yes, It feels much better to be on our own. I hope that you take it well. Just surround yourself with amazing family and friends and that alone will help aWHOLE lot =)