Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pretty Girl Rock

This song is just one of the darlingest things I've ever seen. If you just listen to the song, it can sound kind of conceited, but the video is a whole different story. I love how Keri takes us through different eras and pays homage to these beautiful talented women throughout history. The 'pretty girl rock' is more than some booty-popping 'oh-I-am-the-so-hot' dance, it's embracing who you are as a female in this male dominating world. It's about walking the walk when you enter a room. It's the twinkle in our smiles. It's the quirks in our laughter. It's the aura of  our radiating positive confident energy. It's all about the extra care, details, and effort.

So ladies, next time you see a beautiful girl full of confidence, and you find yourself hating.
Please stop the jealousy.  We're all beautiful. Do the pretty girl rock! 8)


MaiZer said...

Yeah... I don't think I can get past the jealousy thing. Haha, I always find myself competing... Bleh...

Phamtastic said...

lol.. at least you can admit it. I give you props for that one. 8)
Don't be silly Mai. You are so pretty and talented, there's no need to compete with anyone. As long as you work on yourself and keep improving, just be happy and grateful for what you have. STOP COMPARING, YOU BEAUTIFUL THING YOU!!

Rose said...

WOOO...I love myself a pretty girl! hahaa Yes. this song is awesome! Keri is awesome! We're all awesome! lol Glad you found a fun ass dress today! :D

Phamtastic said...

I know!! I can't wait to wear it!! YIIPPYY!!