Friday, February 4, 2011


Currently working on renaming as well as redesigning my blog... this may take a while...

EDIT: After about 30 minutes of fiddling around with the templates from, I think I'm quite satisfied with the overall look...for now.

Here's the song that contributed to my new blog title.

Before the blog title was "In Search of Faith and Truth" because I was mentally and very much spiritually lost when I initially started the blog. I've found that the search for faith and truth never ends and will be a continuous journey for the rest of my life. However, somewhere along the way since I've started the blog, I have found much peace within myself and that title no longer seems fitting.

Onto the next journey of my life, the aspiration to love truthfully, faithfully, endlessly... for as long as I keep breathing...the following will be words from a heart that's pounding...


Rose said...

your changes look quite nice and fitting! :) i am happy and excited for you and the new adventures that are to come in this new year!!! ^__^

Phamtastic said...

thanks 8) it will do for now until I can learn some photoshop lol. I hope this new year also brings you all that you could wish for and more!! I am extremely to have you in my life for the past couple of years. Thanks for always being there for me and introducing me to the great people that I have learned to love along the way.