Monday, March 14, 2011

You are the Center of the Universe, right? WRONG!

" are in the in-sig-nif-fi-cant-ness. When Beyonce said to the left, to the left, you can't get no left, that's how irrelevant you are..."
laugh. out. loud.
omg, he cracks me up.

When I entered the single life last year, my interaction with people increased significantly... obviously due to the fact my time was no longer consumed by a boyfriend. What I began to notice in people was a heightened sense of self-importance. People seem to feel as if they are the center of the universe and the world supposedly revolves around them. A lot of people do it, including myself I'm sure. Maybe it stems from the attention we got as children from our parents. Maybe it stems from insecurities. Or arrogance...or simply we feel the need to exist in a world filled with so many other individuals resembling ourselves. We desire the importance to somebody...anybody. Regardless of the self-absorbency's origin, at one point of another we have to come to the realization that we are NOT the center of the universe and the world in fact DOES NOT revolve around us. People have bigger and better things to worry about than you. People have bigger and better things to do than talk about you. People have bigger and better things to do than give you funny looks.

People's need to feel special and significant is just sickening at times. Go eat a can of humility and do the world some good instead of thinking everything is about you...thank you.

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